Item Types

Type I

Type I items have an ongoing effect while they are being carried.

Type II

Type II items are used as a free action by the active model to cause an effect.

Type III

Type III items can only be used with a Shoot test by an active model (the item itself does not give a free action).


Active Camouflage (Type II)

When this item is used, enemy models may not draw LOS to the camouflaged model. The effect lasts until the model is killed, or takes a Sprint action, a Shoot action, or an Assault action.

Drop Wall (Type II)

Place an Energy Shield Barrier (2) in the holder’s cube. One-Use.

Explosive Ammo (Type III)

The model carrying this item may use it with a ranged weapon to gain +1 die modifier and Lethal (1) in a single Ranged test. May not be used with weapons which have the Explosive, Grenade, or Lunge keyword. One-Use.

Fragmentation Grenade (Type III)

The standard high-explosive, dual-purpose fragmentation grenade. This item has the weapon profile R3, AP1, Frag (5), Grenade, One-Use.

Grappleshot (Type II)

This item may be used to make a free one-cube Advance action; this may be used in addition to other Advance or Sprint actions this Turn. Alternatively, it can be used to pick up an Item or Weapon token within LOS in an adjacent cube. One-Use.

Hardlight Shield (Type I)

While carrying this item, the model has +1 Armour (AR). The item is returned to the supply when the model carrying it next receives a Wound token.

Health Pack (Type I)

The model carrying this item has the keyword Life Support. Return this to the spare pile when triggered.

Overshield (Type II)

The model carrying this item can use it to add 1 to their Energy Shield. This addition only lasts until the Energy Shield is used or depleted. This Shield must be used/depleted before using the model’s own Shields. One-Use.

Plasma Grenade (Type III)

This item has the weapon profile R3, AP2, Frag (4), Grenade, Lethal (1), One-Use, Sticky.

Quantum Translocator (Type II)

The model carrying this item may use it immediately prior to making an Advance or Sprint action. Up to the end of that Activation, the model may be returned to the cube where the item was used. This will not trigger a ‘breakaway’ attack from an opponent, and the model does not move through any intervening cubesor terrain, it is simply picked up and placed in the original cube. If there is an enemy model in the cube that the model reutnrs to, an Assault will be triggered. The item is returned to the supply at the end of the Activiation in which it is used. One-Use.

Shroud Screen (Type II)

When this item is used, place the token in the holder’s cube, or any adjacent cube within LOS. The Shroud Screen blocks LOS into, out of, or through that cube for the rest of the Round. The cube itself may still be targeted (e.g. with Explosive weapons). One-Use.

Threat Sensor (Type II)

When this item is used, models of the enemy Fireteam may be targeted by ranged attacks even if there is no LOS between the shooting model and target model. In other words, it lets your team know where the enemy units are without seeing them, so you can shoot through walls, terrain, etc. Lasts for the rest of the round. One-Use.

Thruster (Type II)

Use this item to add +1 to a model’s speed stat for an Advance or Sprint action made using the model’s normal short or long actions. Must be used before beginning the affected move action. One-Use.