
This fighter displays great skill and flair when dealing death to their enemies, such that it is doubly demoralising to the teammates of the dead.

For scenarios in which Kills count towards the victory conditions (e.g. Slayer), each enemy killed by a model with this keyword counts as 2 Kills.

Active Camouflage

Armour with this feature is more difficult to see due to the way it manipulates light.

If the model is targeted by a ranged attach, that attack is will not gain the Clear Shot +2 dice, High Ground +1 die, or Crouched +1 die modifiers if this model has fully charged Energy Shields.


This weapon causes a large blast radius on detonation, which can even affect soldiers standing some distance away.

Before the damage and other effects of this weapon have been resolved, the models in all cubes adjacent to the explosion (in all directions) have 1 Energy Shield depleted.

Continuous Fire

This weapon has an increased chance of damaging the enemy, but may overheat if fired for a prolonged period.

When a weapon with this keyword is used in a Ranged test, it benefits from Weight of Fire (2). At the end of the current Shoot action, the model that used the weapon must make a 3 dice Survive (2) test. If the test is failed, it takes 1 wound. Armour and Energy Shields do not protect against this damage. If this kills the model, the kill is awarded to the opposing player.

Energy Shield (n)

Energy Shields are designed to absorb the energy of incoming attacks, whether this is from energy weapons or ballistic projectiles, melee combat, or falling off a building.

Energy Shields take effect whenever the model takes Hits, but before any Armour or Armour Piercing is taken into account.

Models with the Energy Shield keyword start the game with (n) Energy Shields (fully charged). When a model with this keyword takes Hits from losing an opposed dice test, they lose one shield for each Hit they need to block, untl all Hits have been negated or they have run out of Energy Shields. If there are Hits remaining after all Energy Shields have been lost, adjust this by any Armour and Armour Piercing that apply to calculate if the model will actually suffer wounds. Refer to Damage and Death on page 20 of the rulebook for examples.

Energy Shield Barrier (n)

This is a more advanced, stationary version of the Energy Shield and works in the same way.

Instead of covering a single model, an Energy Shield Barrier provides protection for every model, friend or foe, in the same cube. However, the protection is only effective against Ranged attacks, as any attacker engaging in an Assault with CC weapons is already inside the barrier.

When the Energy Shield Barrier is placed in a cube, place (n) Energy Shield Tokens with it. If a model is protected by more than one Energy Shield or Barrier during an attack, then all of them apply. Remove shields from the Barrier first, and then from the model’s own Energy Shield. Energy Shield Barriers are removed from the board if all their shields are used or depleted. Energy Shield Barriers do not regenerate at the start of the Round.

Energy Shield Depleter (n)

Some weapons are designed to exhaust Energy Shields on contact, to deny the enemy their defences.

When a model takes hits from a Shoot or Assault attack from a weapon with the ESD keyword, immediately deplete (n) Energy Shields from the target model. Then resolve the Hits caused against the target’s remaining Energy Shields and Armour as usual.

If the target model is protected by an Energy Shield Barrier, the Barrier is depleted first, then the target model’s own Energy Shield.


Some soldiers are skilled at jinking and rolling out of the way of incoming fire, and using the opportunity to progress across the arena.

When an unpinned model with the Evade keyword is the subject of a Shoot action but is not killed, Pinned, or subject to any forced movement, it may make an immediate 1 cube Advance action. This may trigger an Assault action as normal.


When an Explosive weapon is used, it may injure or kill individuals within an area of effect, and the force of the explosion will throw survivors to the ground.

There are always other keywords to denote the type of explosive attack after rolling to hit (e.g. Frag(n)).

When using an Explosive weapon, perform a Shoot action, which must target a cube that is in LOS; you do not need to be able to see an individual model in the cube. Make a 3 dice Ranged test (1) with no modifiers or rerolls allowed. If successful, the target cube is hit. If failed, roll to Scatter (page 28 in the rulebook) to determine which adjacent cube on the same level is hit instead. There is no opposed roll made by the enemy to this Shoot test, but there may be a later damage roll (e.g. Frag). Explosive weapons will not bounce off solid walls, they will affect whichever cube the Scatter roll indicates. If the Scatter off the battlefield, they miss completely and have no effect. Now, resolve the type of the attack on the affected cube using the other keywords.

Fast Transition

This soldier is highly trained and adept at transitioning from one ranged weapon to another in order to fire both guns in rapid succession.

When the model takes a Shoot action, it can make an attack with two ranged weapons it is carrying. The attacks may target the same or different enemy models. Declare the target of both weapons before rolling any dice. Resolve the dice rolls for one weapon completely, then resolve the rolls for the second weapon separately. A model with Fast Transition that uses a Shoot symbol on a Command Die only benefits from a single extra Shoot action from one of the available weapons. You may not use this ability to shoot the same weapon twice in a single action. Cannot be used with any long Shoot action.


This character is an experienced fighter and shows no fear in the face of the enemy.

The model can never be Pinned (even if caused by other keywords). If affected by an attack that has effects in addition to pinning (such as Hits caused by Frag), the additional effects still apply.

Firing Platform (n)

This weapon fires large calibre ammunition or very powerful energy blasts.

A model firing a weapon with the Firing Platform keyword gains +n dice when performing a Shoot action.


This soldier is equipped with an anti-grav device or thrusters to allow them to reach high terrain quickly or soar over ground obstacles.

A model with this keyword can pass through cubes without walls or floors during their movement, and may change levels without climbing up or down terrain. The model must end its move in a cube (and position) that allows it to be physically placed on the gaming table. If the model falls, it will not take damage or be Pinned.


When a high-explosive weapon that can blast infantry to pieces is coming this way, you’ll hear the shout: “Frag incoming!”

After rolling to hit with a weapon using the Explosive or Grenade keywords, roll a (n) dice 4+ test (X) for the strength of the attack. No modifiers or rerolls allowed.

For example, for a Frag (5) weapon, you would roll 5 dice for the test. Models in the target cube must roll a 3 dice Survive test (X).

The shooter rolls once for the attack, and then each model in the cube rolls separately for their Survive test (enemy and friendly models are all affected).

Survive test is a draw, or has more successes: Attack fails to cause any Hits.

Frag has more successes: The difference in number of successes is the number of Hits caused. Refer to Damage and Death on page 20 of the rulebook.

Whatever the results of the attack, all surviving models in the target cube are thrown one cube in a random direction (see Scatter on page 28 of the rulebook) and are then Pinned.


A compact explosive device thrown from the hand or fired from a launcher, intended to kill and wound enemy fighters.

There will always eb other keywords to denote the type of explosive attack after rolling to hit (e.g. Frag (n)).

Grenades are thrown using a Shoot action. Choose a target cube within range. If you do not have LOS to the target cube, then both the shooting model and the target cube must be visible when viewed from directly above. In other words, the grenade is thrown directly into the cube if you have LOS, or lobbed over whatever is blocking LOS.

Roll a 3 dice Ranged test (1) with no modifiers or rerolls allowed. Success means that the Grenade has landed in the target ube. Failure requires a Scatter roll (see page 28 in the rulebook) to determine which cube the Grenade detonates in. The enemy does not make a roll to oppose this Shoot test, but there may be a later damage roll (e.g. Frag).

A grenade that would Scatter through a solid wall (or the board edge) will bounce off it and stay in the original target cube.

The effect the Grenade has varies by type, see the weapon profile or Item description for the Range, AP, and Keywords for that grenade type.


Some soldiers can overwhelm the enemy with sheer weight of numbers rather than great skill at arms.

During a close combat fight, models with the Horde keyword gain the friendly model bonus as normal, plus an additional +1 die modifier for each friendly moidel in the same cube.

Implosion (n)

This weapon has an area of effect that damages targets caught within it, but does not throw them away from the detonation.

After rolling to hit with an Implosion weapon using the Explosive or Grenade keywords, roll a (n) dice 4+ test (X) for the strength of the attack. No modifiers or rerolls allowed.

For example, an Implosion (5) weapon would roll 5 dice for the test. Models in the target cube must roll a 3 dice Survive test (X).

The shooter rolls once for the attack, and then each model in the cube must roll separately for their Survive test (enemy and friendly models are all affected).

Survive test is a draw, or has more successes: Attack fails to cause any Hits.

Frag has more successes: The difference in number of successes is the number of Hits caused. Refer to Damage and Death on page 20 of the rulebook.


This warrior has a great presence on the battlefield which causes the enemy to be hesitant in hand-to-hand combat.

This model receives a +1 die modifier in Fight or Survive dice tests during an Assault.

Jump Pack

Rocket or grav-impulse pack for rapid movement around the battlefield in three dimensions.

A model that has the Jump Pack keyword takes no damage, and is not Pinned, by Falling.

In addition, a model with a Jump Pack can:

  • Move up or down levels without needing to climb.
  • Jump over solid full-cube height walls on the same level, counting as a single cube of movement.
  • Jump over gaps in the floor of the same level (up to one cube wide), provided it has enough cubes of movement to do so.


This weapoon packs such a forceful impact that the target is likely to be thrown backwards when hit, whether they are still alive or dead.

When a model using a weapon with this keyword makes a Ranged or Fight test and rolls more successes than the target model (regardless of whether any wounds are caused), it will force the target into an adjacent cube on the same level. Resolve the attack as normal, then move the target one cube directly away from te attacker (see page 26 in the rulebook).

If the attacker and target are in the same cube (i.e. in an Assault action) then the attacker chooses any adjacent cube on the same level to move the target into.

Otherwise, use a normal Line of Sight between attacker and target to work out where the model moves (i.e. a Shoot action). Continue the LOS from the attacker through the target and into the first new cube beyond the one the target is standing in and on the same level. If it is unclear which cube the target moves into, roll a dice to randomly determine the destination.

Lethal (n)

This weapon burns flesh or splinters into fragments, causing hideous internal injuries.

A model that suffers wounds from a weapon with the Lethal keyword (after applying shields and armour) takes (n) additional wounds (in total, not per wound suffered).

Lethal is cumulative. If more than one Lethal modifier applies to the attack, add together the (n) values.

Life Support

This armour has an in-built system of medical aid equipment designed to heal the wearer when wounded.

If the model suffers wounds, but is not killed, then the Life Support automatically kicks in. The model is immediately returned to an undamaged state. This happens automatically and does not cost an action.

Life Support is always One-Use.

Life Support only works on the model itself, and cannot be used to resurrect models that have been killed outright.


This weapon may be cumbersome and take time to set up and sight in, or it may use a lengthy firing method to cause additional devastation.

A normal Shoot action made with a weapon with this keyword is a long action. A Blaze Away Shoot action with a Rapid Fire weapon is still a short action.


This weapon has a long reach and can be thrust towards an enemy several feet away.

This weapon profile is ised with a Shoot action, but can only benefit from the Clear Shot and High Ground Ranged test modifiers (where applicable). Additionally, the test is made with the user’s Fight stat instead of their Ranged stat.


This warrior carries medical supplies and is trained in performing battlefield wound treatment.

This model may perform an Auxiliary action to remove 1 Wound Marker from a frendly model in the same cube.


This item or weapon may only be used once.


Specialized range finder and targeting optical equipment.

A weapon with the Optics keyword adds a +1 die modifier to Shoot actions. Headshots occur on rolls of 7 and 8.

This keyword may not be used when using the Rapid Fire keyword to make a Blaze Away Shoot action.

Pack Mule

This character has great carrying capacity and multiple attachment points.

This model may carry up to 3 items, 2 picked-up weapons, and 2 scenario objects (e.g. Power Seeds).

Rapid Fire

Spraying bullets indiscriminately over an area encourages the enemy to keep their heads down, but is too inaccurate to cause much damage.

A moodel using a weapon with the Rapid Fire keyword may choose to fire it normally, or ‘Blaze Away’ with a Shoot action in an attempt to pin models, but cause no wounds. Rules that affect Shoot actions still apply unless noted otherwise.

The Shooting player must declare they are making a Blaze Away attempt and then follow the normal rules for a Shoot action (LOS, Range, etc.). There are no benefits from Crouching for either the shooter or the target during Blaze Away. The Optics keyword has no effect when making a Blaze Away roll.

The player making the Blaze Away rolls a 4 dice Ranged test (X).

Note: Armour and Armour Piercing are not applicable when making a Survive roll against a Blaze Away because no Damage is caused.

The player controlling the target model now rolls a 3 dice Survive test (X) and compares the number of successes rolled.

If the shooting model has rolled more successes than the target model, the target model has 1 Energy Shield depleted and becomes Pinned (see page 26 of the rulebook). With any other result, nothing happens.


Some units are skilled at sneaking into advanced positions to gain an advantage when the battle starts in earnest.

After deployment, but before the first Round, a model with the Scout keyword may make a free one-cube Advance action. If both sides have models with Scout, then the player who will take the first Turn moves all their scouts first. A scout may not enter a cube containing an enemy model during this pre-battle movement, but may pick up Items, weapons, or scenario objects (e.g. Power Seeds).

Additionally, a model with Scout can keep a Crouch Token they already have when they make an Advance action.

Smash (n)

An enemy with great physical strength, or a heavy melee weapon, who hits their foe with spectacular force.

A model with the Smash keyword gains +n dice when performing a Fight test.

Sniper Scope

This weapon has an advanced optical magnification, allowing excellent accuracy, but requiring time to line up the perfect shot.

When using this weapon, you may take either a normal short action Shoot (which gains no extra bonus), or a long action Shoot. Declare which before rolling any dice. If a long action is selected, the Ranged test gains a +2 dice modifier and Headshots will occur on 7 or 8.


This soldier displays great bravery in the face of incoming fire to inspire their comrades.

The model can never be Pinned (even if caused by other keywords). If affacted by an attack that has effects in addition to Pinning (such as Hits caused by Frag), the additional effects still apply. Additionally, this model can never take the Crouch action.


This fighter has carefully patterned armour which blends in with the environment even when in the open.

When this model is the target of a Shoot action which benefits from the Clear Shot modifier, the opponent only gains +1 die for the Clear Shot.


If 2 or more successes are rolled when making the Ranged test to throw the Grenade (see Grenade above), it will deplete all the Energy Shields of 1 model (chosen by the attacking player) in the target cube and within LOS of the model that threw it.

Support Weapon

This weapon is designed to be used on a mount, or controlled by a crew of several personnel. It is bulky and limits the beaviour of the person carrying it.

A model carrying a weapon with the Support Weapon keyword may not perform Sprint actions, throw grenades, or make Fight tests in Assault. Advance actions may be performed, but only using a Speed stat of 1.


This weapon has such a high rate of fire that anyone in the targeted area will need to take cover.

In addition to causing Hits and Wounds as normal, a weapon with this keyword causes all models (from either side) in the same cube as the target model to be Pinned.

Tactician (n)

A character with this keyword is a great leader and intuitively understands how to get the most out of a combat situation.

While the Tactician model is in play or on the board (not when off the board waiting to respawn):

  • Its player addes (n) Command Dice to their Command Dice roll at the start of the Round.

  • The player may make (n) rerolls at this time.

  • At the end of the Round, may carry over (n) unused Command Dice instead of rolling them again at the start of the Round.

Having more than one Tactician in a Fireteam provides additional benefits. If more than one model on the board has the keyword Tactician, add together the (n) value from each source.


This Item or weapon may be used twice.


This fighter carries immence momentum and force into a fight.

When this model triggers an Assault action by moving into a cube, they receive a +3 dice modifier to the Fight test instead of the normal +2.

Weight of Fire (n)

This weapon has a high rate of fire, making it easier to hit the enemy.

A model with this keyword may reroll (n) dice when making Ranged tests.

Weight of Fire is cumulative. If more than one Weight of Fire modifier applies to the test, add together the (n) value from each source.